Zara Home Spring Collection

February can be a really irritating month – all the shops get the spring gear in even though it’s at least two months before you can wear any of it. Thankfully you can invest in a few bits for the house whatever the weather and Zara Home’s new collection is just the thing to add a spring to your step. ZaraHomepSpringSelectionTop:: Cilantro Napkin | Coral Howe Napkin Rings | Flamingo Serving Dish | Second Row:: Owl Bottle Stopper | Crab Tea Towel | Erika Sundae Goblet | Third Row:: Coral Blanche Tumbler | Snakeskin Placemat (in Emerald Green!) | Gold Baurora Cutlery | Bottom:: Gold Naky Placemat | Gilbert Tray

There’s a definite tropical feel going on with the gorgeous bold leafy prints and coral accents as well as a nod to Anthropologie with the Owl Bottle Stopper and Flamingo Platter.

Is anything from Zara Home taking your fancy this season?


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